Hospitals & Healthcare Groups Focused on Safety & Sustainability Adopt Solid Chemistry Water Treatment Technology as Best Practice
The healthcare industry faces pressure on every front. Healthcare facility engineers face budget and manpower reductions while at the same time face increased regulations by the Joint Commission, DOH, AIA, OSHA, CDC, ASHE and the ASHRAE Standard 188P. Environmentally focused organizations such as Practice Greenhealth encourage hospitals and other healthcare facilities to focus on sustainability initiatives throughout their supply chain and in every day practice. 1 in 3 hospitals are a part of the Practice Greenhealth Network and actively support sustainability initiatives at their facilities.

According to Rick Fedrizzi, former President, CEO & Founding Chair, U.S. Green Building Council, “The healthcare industry is by far one of the more important sectors that can benefit from the practice of green building design and construction. Patients in green hospitals have greater emotional well-being, require less pain medication and other drugs, and have shorter hospital stays.”
Green building professional, Adele Houghton, stated, “Green hospitals seek to reduce use of and exposure to toxic chemicals and provide a healthier healing environment. By employing green practices, whether incrementally or from the ground up, many hospitals are managing to lower energy bills, reduce waste and achieve healthier indoor air quality.” (
AP Tech’s solid chemistry for water treatment (for cooling towers, condensers, boilers, & closed loop systems ) is the perfect solution for healthcare facility management teams who are focused on improving sustainability and safety. Hundreds of hospitals and healthcare facilities have already chosen solid chemistry to help sustainability efforts and eliminate potential dangers that liquid chemistry imposes. What are you waiting for?
Solid Chemistry Advantages
• Eliminate the risk of discharging hazardous liquid chemicals into the environment during shipping, application or storage.
• Eliminate chemical exposure to visitors. There is no risk of spilling hazardous chemicals when carrying solid product through crowded waiting rooms or on elevators.
• Improve operator safety by reducing exposure to hazardous chemicals.
• Eliminate storage constraints and create an obstruction-free facility room with solid chemistry. Simply place 44 lb cases of chemistry on a shelf versus trying to store large 500 pound drums on the floor, which require spill containment and cleanup supplies.
• If access to the system requires a ladder (which is often the case), solid chemistry can be placed in a backpack resulting in a safer climb compared to handling 40 gallon pails of hazardous, sloshing liquid chemical.
• Solid chemistry, by nature, increases safety by delivering high-performing chemistry containing only highly concentrated actives. During the manufacturing process, the proven formulas are solidified without the requirement of dangerous additives (such as NaOH) that traditional liquid treatment needs to stay in solution.
Case Study – Solids Simplify Water Treatment for a Healthcare Facility (click for .pdf of case study)
Water Treatment Challenge:
A healthcare facility in the Southeastern U.S. used liquid chemicals in their four cooling towers. Due to limited space around the cooling towers there was great difficulty moving large drums of liquid product to the point of use.
The cooling towers had to be hand-fed several times a week due to the space constraints as well as lack of proper feed and control equipment. Furthermore, the cooling towers were not being properly treated for corrosion and microbiological fouling. The facility wanted to replace their problematic program with one that eliminated heavy drums and provided a feed system that would fit within their limited space.
Solving the Water Treatment Challenge with Solids:
AP Tech’s solid chemistry and dissolver technology along with automated controllers were installed for each cooling tower and have provided the proven results of a liquid program while allowing the facility to eliminate several challenges and safety hazards.
The new solids program is simple to use:
- Reduced splash and spill concerns
- Eliminated drum handling, storage, and disposal
- Provided automated feed for a corrosion inhibitor, oxidizing biocide, and non-oxidizing biocide to enable proper treatment
Solids proved to be an innovative technology that solved a space and storage issue for a hard to reach locations while improving upon the overall water treatment program results.
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